Moon Festival is right at the corner~(and I’m eating moon cake already ^^ho ho ho) It’s time for gathering!! I’ve invited my good friend to come over on that day for BBQ. Coincidently, she just gave birth to a twin AND her birthday is coming up! Double Happiness!! Really want to give her something special as a gift. Hm~ thinking to get my hands dirty and create something unique for her…
以中秋為名的聚會,適逢好友生日及誕下雙胞胎,好事成雙, 很想送一份特別的禮物給她~~ 要特別,便要動起手來做手工…
Cut the lace in half and then sew it at the bottom to create the” lace flower” look~ kinda like a crochet. It actually accentuated the real crochet socking. ^^
把花邊緞帶剪半, 在底部用針線縫合起來, 化作一朵像鉤邊的花,與鉤針織製的小襪相得益彰.
Add the “blink blink” on the net that holds the socking.
Backing for the picture— creating depth and layer.
Border to divide space and draw the flow
利用絲帶分開圖面的區域, 更利用絲帶的動態來吸引視線.
Handmade dipper— using handkerchief/fleece to make this symbolic icon for Baby Shadow Box.
手製嬰兒尿布- 用毛巾布裁剪相約造型,再用別針扣上. 此乃嬰兒主題飾物相盒的標誌象徵.
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