Friday, November 26, 2010

Beginning cake decorating class 蛋糕裝飾初級班

I always have a passion with art and I can’t live without it.  Crafting, scrapbooking, drawing, floral arrangement.. but I think it’s time to challenge myself with a new kind of art—cake decorating!
With my friend’s recommendation, I’ve found this cake store that is serious about teaching.  The owners called themselves the cake sisters and they have classes from cake decorating, candies making, cookies and cupcakes decorating to holiday’s goodies making.  Everything looks fascinating to me—just like a kid going into a candy shop. 
I took the “beginning cake decorating” class but I think this is not a regular beginner class as other places that offer beginning class are doing easier technique than what this class is asking for.  
喜愛做手工,剪貼簿, 畫畫, 插花對我來說, 沒有藝術的一天便是我人生的黑暗時期了.  嘗過-學過不同的美術手藝, 是時候要挑戰自己, 學習新的藝術 裝飾蛋糕.
在朋友的介紹下, 找到這一家專門教授製造及裝飾甜品的蛋糕店.  店長是一對親姊妹, 所以被稱為蛋糕姊妹花. ^^ 她們提供不同的課程如蛋糕裝飾班, 糖果製作班, 杯蛋糕/曲奇裝飾班, 節慶糕餅製作班, 等等. 琳琳種種~ 如小孩到了糖果屋般, 令人目不暇給.
我報讀了蛋糕裝飾初級班, 但是對我來說, 初級班一點也不初級. 相對其他店的初級班, 這課程所要求的技巧手法都比一般高.
For the first week, we learned how to take the cake out of the cake pan, how to do filling in between the cakes, what is a crumb coating and the final coating.  We did the yellow “daffodils-like” flowers and using it to decorate the white cake.
第一課, 先學怎樣把蛋糕從盆中取出, 怎樣填餡醬, 皮及外皮忌廉. 利用小黃花裝飾蛋糕.

The second week we decorated a cake with rose bug, ribbon & bows, and learned how to write with icing.
第二課, 學怎樣做玫瑰花芯, 蝴蝶結, 及寫字

The third week we made a lion-face cake. Ha~ this is my favorite cake among all the cake that we made.  Cupcakes for face and ears, and butter cream for mane.  This is a fun cake for kids parties.
第三課, 製作獅子蛋糕. 與其他蛋糕相比, 這是我最喜愛的蛋糕. 利用杯蛋糕做面及耳朵, 用忌廉修飾及當作鬃毛. 這蛋糕非常適合小朋友的派對. ^^       

The fourth class fell into the Halloween week and we were making a skeleton cake for the special occasion. Popcorn for head and arms; chocolate stone and cracker to decorate, butter cream to make pumpkin and grass, etc. This is a fun cake too but I still prefer the lion face. ^^
第四課, 萬聖節蛋糕. 剛好萬聖節是在這星期中, 老師便教授怎麼製作應節的蛋糕. 利用爆米花/爆谷製造出骷髏骨頭,,手指; 再利用餅乾碎, 巧克力石頭, 及忌廉來裝飾. 雖然這蛋糕也很有趣可愛, 但我仍然比較喜歡獅子頭.

For the last class, we made a good-luck good-bye cake.  Learning how to make roses with flower nail and making wreath were the highlight of this class. Can’t believe that all the classes are over!!.  
最後一課, 再會/祝福蛋糕. 這一課學會利用忌廉來製作玫瑰花及花圈. 這麼快便過了五個星期了! 課程也就此完結了.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My first afternoon tea @ home. (9/10)

Earl grey or English breakfast tea?  Hm~ I think cold peach tea will be more appropriate for a day with 113 degree F !!  Fresh baked drop scone, open face smoked salmon sandwich, mango mousse pie, fresh strawberry…  a day to catch up with girl friends.

佰爵茶或是英式早餐茶? 我想在這一百一十三度的炎夏中, 杯透心涼的冰鎮蜜桃茶會比較吸引.  自家製的英式牛油司恭鬆餅, 煙三文魚三文治, 芒果慕士批, 鮮草莓~~ 姊妹們~ 下午茶時間來聚一聚吧~~

Blueberry drop scone
1)      2 cups flour
2)      ½ coup sugar
3)      1 tsp baking powder
4)      ½ tsp baking soda
5)      ½ tsp salt
6)      ½ cup butter cut into pieces
7)      2/3 – 3/4 cup buttermilk
8)      1 tsp vanilla extract
i)              Sift all the dry ingredient (1-5) together,
ii)             Cut in butter with a fork.  The consistence should look like cornmeal.
iii)            Stir in buttermilk and vanilla gently, evenly, but don’t’ over mixing it.
iv)            Scoop the dough into the size of an egg.  Drop the dough on a cookie pan lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with sugar, bake in 400 degree F for 20 minutes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My first sewing class 縫紉初體驗

Hey sisters~ how many year that we haven’t seen each other?  Huh?  It’s time for re-union and “Ketchup” !  I’m sure that you guys have a lot to share and so do I ~ How about gathering @ my new house??
括別多年再與舊同事相聚, 相信一定有很多東西要跟姊妹們分享.  適逢小妹又剛置業,於是便 決定在我的新居中舉行聚會.  
Since all of us are female, I’ve choose “English afternoon tea” as our theme.   To make it looks like an afternoon tea, first of all~ we need to create a British tea room.  Bone china~ crystal serve ware~ OH Oh~ a Victorian style table cloth~!!!  I asked my teacher: my dear mom ^^ to teach me how to add lace and convert a cloth into a table cloth.  It’s not easy!! From “how to connect the thread from the top right corner of the sewing machine to the left lower part into the needle.” to “how tight should I pull the cloth when the sewing machine is going.”  Have to say it “mom, you are brilliant!” ^^
由於客人全是女性, 所以我便選擇以英式下午茶為主題.  為營造主題氣氛, 就連小節也不能馬虎啊~.  於是 我便請教吾母怎樣縫製桌布~怎樣加花邊緞帶~怎樣製作英式花桌布.  由拉線, 插上下針, 至布要拉多緊, 全是學問~ 真的不得不讚媽媽真厲害呢. ^^
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