Sunday, October 17, 2010

C. crEATion: Hokkaido Fair 北海道展 9/16-19 Torrance, LA, CA

C. crEATion: Hokkaido Fair 北海道展 9/16-19 Torrance, LA, CA: "ALMOST MISSED~~ HOKKAIDO FAIR!!! No publication, no advertisement (at least I am not aware of it =_=!!!) Lucky that I saw J-goods’s blog ..."

Hokkaido Fair 北海道展 9/16-19 Torrance, LA, CA

ALMOST MISSED~~ HOKKAIDO FAIR!!!   No publication, no advertisement (at least I am not aware of it =_=!!!)  Lucky that I saw J-goods’s blog and facebook pictures, otherwise I would have missed the whole event.  =P
沒有廣告,也沒有宣傳, 如果沒有看到J-goodsblog facebook上的照片, 我想我到明年也不知道加州有北海道展這一回事.  ~錯過了就要等明年啊~!!
"Yubari Melon Bread” made with Yubari Melon Juice 夕張メロンパン ($2.5)
This taste like the Hori Yubari Melon Jelly that I got in Hokkaido~ taste refreshing.  Crunchy top- like one of the Chinese bakery:  soft roll topped with butter crust, it resembles the surface of a grenade or a pineapple.
夕張哈密瓜乃北海道的名物. 而這個麵飽則利用夕張哈密瓜的果汁加製而成. 飽上的脆皮像手榴彈的外殼, 有點兒像香港的菠蘿飽
“Curry Bun” by Pullman Bakery カレーパン ($3)
Trust me~ this is divine!! It worth the long wait for this fried Japanese curry bun.  Actually it somewhat reminded me about the curry bun by Maxim in Hong Kong~ of course, it REMINDED me but they are not equivalent—the  Japanese curry bun is a hundred time tastier than the Maxim one.
此佳品只應屬天上有!! . 每天只售三百個啊!  難怪在任何時候, 排隊等購買的人都是那麼多. 它令我聯想起香港美心的炸咖哩麵飽.  但當然, 此咖哩麵飽跟美心的炸咖哩麵飽相比, 這咖哩麵飽的好吃程度要比香港的超出一百倍!
KokuMiso Ramen” by Ramen Shingen. 信玄ラーメン ($11)
OH~ another “worth the long wait” item.  Long line for the cashier and once you pay, you will get a number.  Don’t be surprised that there will be another wait for the number.  When I got the number 54, they were just calling for number 21 to 24. =_= iii 
For ramen, I’ll start with the soup: they claimed that they have cooked the soup for more than 100 hours with a delicate balance between sweetness and miso savory taste.  
雖然, 排隊等付款及等著領取拉麵的人都超級多,但無論如何也一定要試試這碗信玄拉麵.  他們那引以為傲的湯頭, 是用了100小時肴製而成.  味道香濃的味噌湯底中有甜味.
Mori no ikameshi-Squid bento box” by “Abe Shoten”.  ($6.5)
 A squid stuffed with sweet sticky rice and braised with sweet soy sauce.  Seems like this was one of the popular item in the Hokkaido Fair in Japan but this item was not moving when it came to L.A.  
墨魚中塞滿了糯米. 聽說這 便當在日本蠻受歡迎的.  在東京的北海道展也有這一款小吃,. 不過, 墨魚游到北美州後,受歡迎的程度,好像大大減低了.
Croquettes of "Maruhiro Oota".  ($3)
The crab croquettes is a MUST HAVE item in this fair.  There are a lot of crab—not the fake KRAB inside of the croquette.  The shrimp croquette is just alright, you won’t miss it if you skip it.
炸可樂餅~ 蟹肉味的可樂餅真的很好吃!!  真的是真材實料, 沒有豈場.  蝦味的可樂餅說真的沒有怎樣. 絕對 不是沒有吃到便會遺憾的那一種.
Crab bento boxes by“Sapporo Kanihan”. ($ 16-34)
It’s pricy! 30-ish dollars for a bento box??  I paid about $25 for an 8 courses crab meal at Kani Honke in Hokkaido.
真的很貴啊!!!  三十多元的蟹便當??  好像有點兒過份呢!  我記得我在札幌/ 博野的ニの家吃了一頓豐富的富良野會席料理”, 八度菜也才$25!

Cream puff 生クリーム ($3-3.5)
Hm… quite disappointed.  I had a cream puff by @ Otaru. $1.5 each, 100 times tastier than this.  What a shame to claim as a Hokkaido Cream puff!
有點兒失望的北海道泡芙!  我在小樽的樓裡吃過超好吃的奶油 吉士打 泡芙夢不思議.   與這個泡芙相比, 夢不思議比它好吃一百倍呢! 還自稱是北海道泡芙, 真羞愧.
Pudding Dorayaki プリンどら焼き ($3.99)
This cutie is new to me.  I’ve never seen this when I was in Hokkaido.  This interesting dessert has 3 different textures in one bite:  cake-like Dorayaki sandwiching the cold pudding in the middle with smooth whipped cream around it.  
我到北海道旅遊時也不曾看見這個帽子甜品呢.   如蛋糕般的銅鑼燒夾著˴的布丁,加上幼滑的鮮忌廉~ 一款甜品, 三種口感享受!!
Sold out??? You mean come back next year?????? 残念~~ The soft serve in Hokkaido are heavenly good~~ That’s sad we missed it!!!! >_<
售罄????  明年請早??? 真的很可惜呢~錯過了如天上珍品般的北海道雪糕.  它是這個北海道展的重點之一~ 我也是為了它而來的!!
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