Hey sisters~ how many year that we haven’t seen each other? Huh? It’s time for re-union and “Ketchup” ! I’m sure that you guys have a lot to share and so do I ~ How about gathering @ my new house??
括別多年再與舊同事相聚, 相信一定有很多東西要跟姊妹們分享. 適逢小妹又剛置業,於是便 決定在我的新居中舉行聚會.
Since all of us are female, I’ve choose “English afternoon tea” as our theme. To make it looks like an afternoon tea, first of all~ we need to create a British tea room. Bone china~ crystal serve ware~ OH Oh~ a Victorian style table cloth~!!! I asked my teacher: my dear mom ^^ to teach me how to add lace and convert a cloth into a table cloth. It’s not easy!! From “how to connect the thread from the top right corner of the sewing machine to the left lower part into the needle.” to “how tight should I pull the cloth when the sewing machine is going.” Have to say it “mom, you are brilliant!” ^^
由於客人全是女性, 所以我便選擇以英式下午茶為主題. 為營造主題氣氛, 就連小節也不能馬虎啊~. 於是 我便請教吾母怎樣縫製桌布~怎樣加花邊緞帶~怎樣製作英式花桌布. 由拉線, 插上下針, 至布要拉多緊, 全是學問~ 真的不得不讚媽媽真厲害呢. ^^
ReplyDelete哈~多謝~~ 遲d會post埋整家私添~多d黎捧場呀~^^